Hugo, Two Weeks In

My last post about Hugo focused on getting it set up. It finished with a few ideas on improvements. Maybe you’ve noticed a few implemented since then =]

One-liner improvements

Some of these were very simple to add. The theme I’m using, Minimo, supports adding a reading time to posts with one addition to config.toml.

showReadingTime = true

It’s a small addition yet adds noted value for the reader.

The next change instead provides insight for the sight maintainer:

googleAnalytics = "[your Google Analytics tracking ID]"

Once your site starts getting some traffic, Google Analytics can help you create more targeted content.

I’ve also enabled my RSS feed to display the full contents of an article rather than just the summary. You can do that by overriding the default rss.xml file (add your own layouts/_default/rss.xml and it will take precedence) and changing

<description>{{ .Summary | html }}</description>


<description>{{ .Content | html }}</description>

Kudos to Brian Wisti for his post on this technique.

The final quick addition is taxonomies. I’ve started a series called This Week I Discovered where, each week, I plan to discuss something cool I found in the last seven days. These posts should naturally be grouped together. Hugo calls such a grouping a taxonomy. Two taxonomies are provided for us: categories and tags, but we can easily add our own as well, such as a series taxonomy.

Enabling a taxonomy requires the name of it to be included in at least one post’s front matter:

series: ["This Week I Discovered"]

Somewhat effortful improvements

Adding a comments section could have been easy. Hugo supports Disqus comments out of the box. In your config.toml, simply add:

disqusShortname = "[your Disqus short name]"

I ended up going this route, but there are alternatives. Staticman, for example, doesn’t require the comments to be stored by a third-party. It’s much more appropriate for a static-content site. Staticman listens for incoming POST requests that such a site would generate and then creates a pull request to the repository with the comment contents. It can be configured to merge the PRs immediately or delegate to the repository owner, which provides comment moderation. It’s a really nice idea.

The problem is that it the comments form does not look that great in Minimo. I spent some time tweaking it but form design is not my forte. I’d like to move to Staticman in the future if a designer will alleviate me of that burden ;) Suffice to say, the comments section took some time to investigate and play around with.

The biggest pain point was TLS, and it could have been so easy! The lesson here is to always read the documentation. Each day, I would spend a bit of time trying to find out why my site was so slow to initially load. The first incarnation of this site didn’t have this problem, and was hosted on the same DigitalOcean setup, so I ruled that out. It seemed like a DNS lookup issue, because performance was good once the site was loaded, but I couldn’t tell if this was on Namecheap’s side or something I had misconfigured with Nanobox given it was my first time using it.

The investigation led me discovering that cURL can provide timings! There’s also an awesome little script to save you from having to type out the long version. It confirmed immediately that the issue was indeed DNS lookup. I took a closer look at my Namecheap DNS configuration and found that I was redirecting traffic to the TLS version of the site. Nginx, running inside my Nanobox, wasn’t playing nice with this setup. Then I took another look at the README for the Nanobox static site engine and saw that forcing HTTPS was supported at this level!

force_https: true

Well I felt silly, but now the whole site is TLS enabled and loading within a few hundred milliseconds. Much better than the ~75 seconds it was previously taking!

The final task, and arguably the one with the biggest benefit, was to set up automated deployments when pushing to GitHub. If you have a Travis CI account and continuous integration enabled for the repository, simply add a .travis.yml file with the following:

sudo: required
install: sudo bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

  - nanobox remote add [your Nanobox project name]
  - nanobox deploy

Travis CI configuration files can be customised much more than this, but it suffices for the simple use case. Now the site will automatically deploy itself whenever pushing!

Endless possibilities

One can never be truly done with a project like this. Outside of creating content, there’s always ways to improve the site itself. I think the main points are covered now, but hopefully this is only the start of side projects for this side project.

[Krishan Wyse]


800 Words
